Charging a EV or PHEV (UK-HV-CHG)

Duration: 29 minutes
Online Batteries Power Electronics

Course Overview

For most people filling up a petrol or diesel engine is second nature, but how does EV and PHEV charging work?

In this module, we explore the differences between slow, fast and rapid charging, and the connector types.
We explore AC to DC conversion, and components such as on-board chargers.

We finish by comparing the cost of charging, and getting used to terms such as kW, kWh, and miles / kWh.

  • Audience
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Course price
£220 (1 year) - part of our academy courses

This course includes:

UK-HV-CHG-001 - Charging overview
UK-HV-CHG-002 - Charging connectors
UK-HV-CHG-003 - Costs of charging
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