Shop Management: Service Advisor’s Guide to Selling PM

This class will take a deep dive into selling your customers on the benefits and the need to do preventive maintenance.
Part resource centre delphi training academy courses
Duration: 4 hours
Face to face Maintenance Solutions

Course Overview

Course number: SV22003

This class will take a deep dive into selling your customers on the benefits, and the need to do preventive maintenance. New technologies have only changed maintenance requirements, even electric vehicles need regular inspections and service.

We’ll start with how to create maintenance plans and then how to market them to your customer base. Selling Preventive Maintenance is as much about educating you, your technicians, and your customers on the benefits of a well-maintained vehicle. 

We'll discuss starting with the OEs recommendations and then adjusting them to the driving habits of the customers, the regional variations including terrain and weather, and how to discuss this with the customer. Also covered is how to use the vehicle inspection to sell needed repairs and the latest industry practices in scheduling customers. There will also be some discussion of methods to keep techs working and using support personnel to improve productivity.

  • Audience
    All retail automotive aftermarket service providers.
  • Skill level
    Entry level to intermediate.
  • Prerequisites
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Part resource centre delphi training academy courses

This course includes:

  • Better understand the benefits for customers on routine preventative maintenance
  • Creating effective maintenance plans and how to market them
  • Discussing OE recommendations and tailoring them to the needs of the customer
  • How to use inspections to sell needed repairs and staying up-to-date on the latest industry practices
  • Using support personnel effectively  to improve productivity
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