ADAS Introduction (UK-AD-ADS)

Subtitles are available in: ENGLISH
Duration: 25 minutes
Online ADAS Calibration Diagnostics & Test Equipment OBD Diagnostic Technical Training

Course Overview

Cameras, RaDARs, Ultrosonics, LiDAR's are now becoming common place in all classes for vehicles.
But what do they all mean, and what do they actually do?

This 5 part course takes you through what the systems do and the acronyms mean.
You will then look at the operation, and take a deeper dive in to RaDARS.

Towards the end you will look at the new SAE J3016 EU update, and how it has changed the categorisation of these systems.
Upon successful completion of the course, and the end test, you will receive a certificate automatically.

  • Audience
    Technicians, Managers, all
  • Skill level
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Course price
£220 (1 year) - part of our annual licence for all eLearning courses

This course includes:

UK-AD-ADS-001 - ADAS Introduction
UK-AD-ADS-002 - Systems and operation
UK-AD-ADS-003A - ADAS components - Radars
UK-AD-ADS-004 - ADAS SAE J3016 Update update
UK-AD-ADS-005 - ADAS end test
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