Course Overview
Today's modern vehicle has more computing power than the space shuttle, with up to 50 computers and 1 mile of wiring under the skin. No wonder a good understanding of basic automotive electrical systems has become a necessity for technicians. The vehicle electrical systems course has been especially designed for this reason. With a back to basics approach to electrical fundamentals, it covers both electrical theory and fault finding, with practical exercises in the classroom and the workshop.
AudienceTechnicians looking for a greater knowledge of electrical systems and measurements.
Skill levelService, Repair or Diagnostic Technician.
PrerequisitesAimed at technicians who want to fully understand the fundamentals of electrics, and give themselves an excellent base of knowledge to build on. A general understanding of automotive and vehicles is advised.
This course includes:
- Electricty and magnetism.
- Electrical units and multimeters.
- Designing and building circuits.
- Connector, cable, and component ratings.
- Wiring diagrams and circuit testing.